In this episode of the Worth Repeating podcast, the last three storytellers share their stories under the theme “Specter ". Stories include a connection to the afterlife using coins, a haunting that followed someone home, and renting an occupied apartment in LA. Each story beckons the listener to ask themselves: are we ever truly alone? Gripping, unsettling, and at times eerie these stories blur the boundaries between this world and the next.

Worth Repeating returns November 14th and the theme is Elevated. From reaching new heights to higher forms of consciousness, these stories are all about leveling up. Grab tickets today by clicking here.
Want to show your support of the program? Consider picking up Worth Repeating merch at the next live event. Trinity University Press and TPR present Worth Repeating: San Antonio Stories featuring forty true narratives. Pick up a book, tote, and our new t-shirt! Your support funds programs like these.
Worth Repeating is made possible by the 80/20 Foundation, the City of San Antonio Department of Arts and Culture, and Niche at Pearl.
Worth Repeating is a production of Texas Public Radio.