Jones most recently served as undersecretary for the U.S. Air Force from 2020 to 2023.
More than 70 mayoral, city council and school board candidates responded to a TPR survey answering the biggest questions for San Antonians.
Texas Public Radio's signature talk show "The Source" hosted San Antonio mayoral candidates Ron Nirenberg and Greg Brockhouse for a live forum Monday.…
District 8 City Councilman Ron Nirenberg has officially joined the race for mayor of San Antonio. The 39-year-old councilman announced his candidacy in…
San Antonio’s interim mayor is soon to become the city’s first, elected black female mayor. At her Saturday night victory party, Ivy Taylor said she wants…
After more than six months of campaigning with a field of 14 candidates and now two, San Antonio voters are deciding who will be their next mayor: interim…
The candidates for San Antonio mayor are pulling out all the stops as they push to get their voters to the polls Saturday, which is Election Day.…
During a live Texas Public Radio debate Monday the two candidates for San Antonio mayor agreed on some important policy issues: the need to provide more…
San Antonio's two mayoral run-off candidates, Leticia Van De Putte and Mayor Ivy Taylor, tried to distinguish themselves before an audience at UTSA last…
Former mayoral candidate Tommy Adkisson has thrown his support behind sitting Mayor Ivy Taylor as the run-off election for San Antonio Mayor inches closer…