Did you know that San Antonio’s sporting district was once one of the busiest vice districts in the nation? The city government, the military and the church played a significant role in the making of and breaking of the district.
San Antonio’s red-light district was established by the city council in 1889 to manage prostitution. It was legally recognized under the “bawdy house” ordinance until 1899. Police refused to shut down the brothels, so they continued to operate.
The limited series podcast “Running Red-Lights” uncovers the untold history of sex work and the madams who ran the industry in San Antonio.
How did the history of the sex worker evolve? Why weren’t the women who ran the red-light district recorded in official historical documents?
How much evidence of their history is left? What happened to some of the women who attempted to make history? How did these women challenge the status quo?
- Bri Kirkham, digital editor for Texas Public Radio and co-host of the "Running Red Lights" podcast
- Kathleen Creedon, co-host of the "Running Red Lights" podcast
"The Source" is a live call-in program airing Mondays through Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. Leave a message before the program at (210) 615-8982. During the live show, call 833-877-8255, email thesource@tpr.org or tweet @TPRSource.
*This interview was recorded on Thursday, May 12.