The Supreme Court upheld the federal law that bans domestic abusers under protective orders from having guns in the Rahimi case. But enforcement varies by state.
With a week remaining before Election Day the political tension is so tight that many families are having a difficult time maintaining the household peace. How is the election impacting your family when Democrats and Republicans live under the safe roof?
Brad Chandler Simpson is in the Bexar County Jail, charged with assault in connection with his wife's disappearance. Suzanne Simpson has been missing for a week. Domestic violence is very real and all too common in Bexar County. What does the Simpson case tell us about intimate partner abuse?
There have been nine such homicides so far this year, compared to four in all of last year, and they represent more than half of all homicides in unincorporated areas.
The Texas Council on Family Violence reported that 13 women and one man were killed in incidents in Bexar County in 2023. Statewide, 179 were female identified victims, 26 were male identified victims, and four were LGBTQ+ victims.
The free forum will feature a panel discussion with experts and resources about how, when. and why family violence occurs.
A new ordinance, passed by San Antonio City Council in October, requires all public places to post the signs in restrooms as part of the city's 'Love Is...' campaign.
Traumatic brain injuries from intimate partner violence are common, and potentially more severe than those seen in sports.
Texas had its second-highest domestic violence homicide rate in a decade last year. The majority of those deaths involved a firearm.
Beard had been suspended without pay since his arrest on Dec. 12. He was in the second year of a seven-year $35 million contract with UT Austin.