July 19 is 'Ask an Archaeologist Day.' TPR's Kayla Padilla sat down with San Antonio-based Maya archaeologist Jennifer Mathews to talk about the field.
The more than half mile long wall, called the Blinkerwall, was likely used by Stone Age hunter-gatherers to herd reindeer toward a shooting blind.
Artifacts recovered during excavation efforts of the 300-year-old structure include Spanish Colonial ceramics, Goliad ceramics, musket balls, lithic debitage, and gunflints.
The arrow was found at a site on Mount Lauvhøe that was previously covered in ice. The new discovery adds new "time depth" to the research site.
In Alpine on Tuesday, U.S. and Mexican officials gathered for a repatriation ceremony of ancient artifacts that were stolen from a museum in northern Mexico in 2008.
The implications are potentially enormous, says history professor Kimberly Hamlin: 'The myth that man is the hunter and woman is the gatherer ... naturalizes the inferiority of women.'
The fossilized remains are believed to be from an extinct marine reptile called a plesiosaur. The discovery of the fossils is solid evidence of Jurassic life in the state.
The city of Antakya, known in antiquity as Antioch, was at the crossroads of civilizations for centuries. After the Feb. 6 earthquake, many of its centuries-old monuments and sites lie in ruins.
The Manis point is the earliest evidence of bone weaponry in the Americas.
A ProPublica investigation sheds light on the failures to return Native American remains and items