He was expected to get an aerial tour of the border city, visit an immigration processing center and deliver remarks on the Trump administration's immigration enforcement policies in Shelby Park, a public park on the banks of the Rio Grande seized by the State of Texas.
Excitement continues to build for the total solar eclipse on Monday. The path of totality will travel from Mexico, cross the border and enter the United States. In her commentary, TPR contributor Yvette Benavides compares that path to the trek of migrants in the shadow of the eclipse.
The park is at the center of both the immigration debate and the debate over if Texas can ignore federal authority over border protection. Now, there's a controversy over the park's namesake Confederate Gen J.O. Shelby.
Residents of Eagle Pass say they're more worried about danger stirred up by Gov. Greg Abbott than by immigrants attempting to cross the Rio Grande.
Amid the growing standoff between the state and federal government on Texas’ southern border, advocacy groups are joining Democrats in a call for the Biden administration to act more forcefully.
Texas officers are still erecting border wire and some Republicans are calling on Gov. Greg Abbott to defy the high court.
Texas National Guard soldiers are blocking Border Patrol agents from reaching part of the border in Eagle Pass. It’s Texas’ latest challenge to federal authorities on immigration. Now some Democrats in the Texas congressional delegation are mulling ways to enforce federal law.
Eagle Pass residents were surprised Wednesday night to learn that Gov. Greg Abbott's Operation Lone Star has once again seized control of their public park.
The Eagle Pass City Council delivered a setback to Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star. The council reacted Tuesday night to community complaints that the Texas Department of Public Safety has gotten out of control in its enforcement of border security.