Composer Nathan Felix’s moving three act chamber opera, Ribas-Dominicci, premiered live at TPR’s Malú and Carlos Alvarez Theater on November 4, 2022. The story is about Fernando Luis Ribas-Dominicci, a Major and pilot in the U.S. Air Force, as told by his widow, Blanca. Blanca worked with composer Nathan Felix in developing the libretto by recounting stories of Fernando's early years growing up in Puerto Rico, how the two fell in love, and the aftermath of losing her husband, who was killed in Operation El Dorado Canyon over the Gulf of Sidra, off the Libyan coast in 1986.
Felix said at the premiere he first learned of the story from Ribas-Dominicci's son, Fernando, who he grew up with in Austin. Felix was deeply moved, but didn't immediately think about setting such a personal story to music.
But the story stayed with him. And years later, during the pandemic, Felix asked the family for their blessing to depict the life of Fernando Ribas-Dominicci. The result is the moving piece you can hear in the link above, or watch using the embedded video player below.
Fernando L. Ribas-Dominicci: Pedro Carreras
Blanca Ribas: Lucianna Astorga
Conductor: Jonathan Martinez