City of San Antonio Department of Arts and Culture Stage (Outdoors)
10:00 AM- 10:30 AM Press Conference
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM George Mendoza
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM The 501s
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM Scripts
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM 16 the Olympus
5:15 PM - 6:00 PM Andria Rose
6:15 PM - 7:00 PM Harvey McLaughlin
7:15 PM - 8:00 PM Pop Pistol
8:15 PM - 9:00 PM Combo Cosmico
Make Music Theater (Indoors)
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Svara-Svapna (interactive installation)
3:00 PM- 4:30 PM "IN C" w/ KPAC (sign up here)
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Coffee & Alcohol
5:45 PM - 6:15 PM Sierra Lyn Brown
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Wally Robles
7:15 PM - 7:45 PM Zo G
8:00 PM - 8:30 PM Apollo Black
8:45PM - 10:00 PM Karaoke w/ Gavin Gonzalez (INOHA)
Note: sign-ups are in person for Karaoke!
Lobby (indoors)
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Yall Sing -Sing Along sign up here
Makers Alley at La Zona (outdoors)
12:00 PM - 9:00 PM SA Local Market featuring local art, creators, snacks and more!
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM Centro's Art Everywhere Exhibit
Make Music Day is made possible by the City of San Antonio Department of Arts and Culture, Guitar Tex, and Culligan.
For this and more Make Music Day around the city visit: Homepage - Make Music San Antonio (