Triggered by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the catastrophic event was the deadliest tsunami in recorded history.
For most people, power outages are an inconvenience. For those who count on electricity for home medical equipment, they can be a crisis. Here's how to plan ahead for health care needs in a blackout.
TDIS will provide insight and actionable recommendations for decision makers from the state all the way down to the household level to promote more disaster resilient behavior over the long term.
Governor Greg Abbott on Tuesday issued a disaster declaration for Texas' Southern border, citing “an ongoing and imminent threat of widespread and severe damage, loss of life, property damage, human trafficking, violent crime, and threats to public health” that he attributed to a recent rise in migration.
Hurricane Preparedness Week is May 5 to May 11, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency encouraged Texans to begin or review their plans for enduring…
Updated at 5:23 p.m.City Council approved an agreement with Joint Base San Antonio on Thursday to provide better coordination during a civil emergency or…
On Saturday in Denham Springs, Louisiana, about 15 miles east of Baton Rouge, the parking lot of a Sam’s Club was turned into a one-stop shop for flood…
The magnitude-7.8 temblor hit north of the capital Katmandu, toppling buildings in the capital. Dozens were also killed in neighboring India, China and Bangladesh.