When you hear music, what does it do in your brain? How do we respond to music? Why was it even created in the first place? At this Think Science event, we’ll get into the science—and a little of the philosophy—of music, and try to understand just why humans respond so enthusiastically to twinkly sounds arranged in patterns. We’ll hear from a neuroscience professor who specializes in how the brain responds to music, speak to professor whose research gets into the “why” of music and even ethical issues that come with listening to certain music.
- Tracy Cowden, D.M.A., UTSA
- Andrew Kania, Ph.D., Trinity University
- Kiminobu Sugaya, Ph.D., University of Central Florida
- Nathan Cone, TPR
This Think Science event is possible by San Antonio Kidney, Camerata San Antonio, Guitar Tex and Cano Health, presenting the 27th annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza.