Live Call-in Talk Show to Air Monday Through Thursday at 3 p.m.
Beginning April 1, KSTX 89.1 FM, San Antonio’s NPR affiliate, will for the first time launch a live, listener call-in talk show. "The Source," Texas Public Radio’s award-winning program that captures the pulse of San Antonio, has been a part of the weekly KSTX lineup since January 2010.
On April 1, the show will expand to become a daily, live and interactive fixture. Host David Martin Davies will actively incorporate listener calls, tweets and emails into the broadcasts.
The mission of "The Source" is to give life, context and breadth to the events and issues affecting San Antonio in a live hour-long show that will bring newsmakers and experts to the public and highlight the people being affected by the day’s issues.
The goal is to create a welcoming environment for different viewpoints and experiences from voices across the region.
"Producing a live call-in program is something that we’ve wanted to do for a very long time at TPR," Davies said. "With the growth of our newsroom, including the recent addition of a full-time Austin-based reporter, we felt we can finally get such a program on the air. 'The Source' is a local news program. As the host, my job is to get out of the way. This is about the city and the callers."
Davies is a veteran journalist with over 20 years of experience covering Texas, the border and Mexico. He is a contributor to National Public Radio, American Public Media's "Marketplace" and the BBC's "The World." His reporting has been recognized with numerous awards.
"The Source" launches Monday, April 1 at 3 p.m. and will air live in that time-slot Monday-Thursday on KSTX 89.1 FM.