Climate researchers have long grappled with how to get Americans to eat less beef, a food with a huge global warming impact. Now some are thinking about it through the lens of gender.
Beef has a bigger climate impact than just about anything on our plates. So are there more sustainable ways to raise cattle? Or is the answer when it comes to beef simply "less is more?"
Mainstream science doesn't support the elimination of vegetables from diets.
A study finds people who eat more than one serving of red meat a day are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Processed meats, like bacon and hot dogs, were linked to an even higher risk.
Some say it's a more climate-friendly solution, but it's too early to tell how advantageous this new culinary creation could be for the planet.
Vox staff writer Kenny Torrella argues in a recent piece that journalists have not focused enough on one contributor to the worsening climate: meat consumption.
If you're planning to throw some meat on the grill this July 4th holiday, here are some ways to save money in the process.
TPR's next Think Science event looks at the future of meat production and alternative meats, to create a more sustainable future.
JBS is accused of major COVID-19 outbreaks in both their U.S. and Brazil plants, as well as, in Brazil, bribery and deforestation of the Amazon.
President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to ensure plants keep running. Workers have said they need more protection after illnesses and deaths on the line.