A new report from the Sierra Club details how asset management companies are funding fossil fuel projects through purchasing billions of dollars in bonds.
CarbonFree has a goal to capture 10% of the world’s industrial emissions to slow climate change — but a Stanford professor says it’s all 'a scheme of the fossil fuel industry.'
A letter from the Texas Democratic congressional delegation called on the U.S. Department of Energy to prioritize union workplaces for hydrogen energy funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.
SwRI is developing a turbine that runs off of supercritical carbon dioxide, a heated up fluid state of CO2, which is significantly more efficient than steam turbines used across the energy industry, with a much smaller physical footprint.
Allegations of sex trafficking at a Texas foster care facility prompts an overdue investigation. There were thousands of rejected mail-in ballots during the recent state primary. Is the system broken? Can it be fixed? And Texas uses state pension funds to targets financial firms, warning them not to divest from fossil fuel companies.
A Texas model law was written by the head of a group that opposes climate action and takes money from fossil fuel interests. It could shift billions away from major investment firms.
In the past three months, the U.S. has experienced a spate of extreme weather and experts say there's no doubt that human-induced climate change is to…