Mose Buchele
Mose Buchele is the Austin-based broadcast reporter for KUT's NPR partnership StateImpact Texas . He has been on staff at KUT 90.5 since 2009, covering local and state issues. Mose has also worked as a blogger on politics and an education reporter at his hometown paper in Western Massachusetts. He holds masters degrees in Latin American Studies and Journalism from UT Austin.
It took a man actively trying not to find oil to make the biggest oil discovery in U.S. history.
The water fell about 2 feet below normal Tuesday after a floodgate got stuck. This is at least the third time water levels have noticeably dropped in the last six months.
After a statewide blackout in 2021 and a massive Austin outage in 2023, cold weather means energy anxiety for many in Texas.
The Christmas Bird Count started in 1900 as an alternative to bird hunts. Data gathered from the counts has proven valuable in monitoring bird populations.
The three challengers seeking to unseat Railroad Commission Chair Christi Craddick focus on different issues, but share a common critique of the state's oil and gas regulator.
These state regulators sit on one of the most important agencies to oversee energy and – by extension – climate policy in the world.
The Southern Spirit Transmission project would allow limited energy to flow between the Texas grid and neighboring grids.
Regardless of how the butterflies fare this year, the long-term prospects for the migration seem to be dimming. Habitat loss, insecticide use and extreme weather all pose deadly threats to the species.
Demand for electricity in Texas continues to break records. It comes as the power grid strains under increased demand due to data centers and cryptocurrency mining.
Despite an August of brutal heat, Texans have not been asked to conserve electricity like they were last year.