The coastal city also has been trying for years to develop a seawater desalination plant, but its efforts have lagged as big, thirsty industries continue to locate nearby and a five-year drought persists.
On Tuesday, in accordance with the Texas Election Code, the candidates drew lots to break the tie.
The aquarium sits on the edge of Corpus Christi Bay, which can make it vulnerable to big storms.
People in Corpus Christi could be the first in Texas to drink treated seawater. Water scarcity in the state is a growing crisis, and ocean desalination is being touted as a solution. But community activists are pointing out there are serious downsides to ocean desalination.
The self-styled 'Sparkling City by the Sea' could be the first to dive into ocean desalination — but many local residents are opposed.
Hillcrest in Corpus Christi is a historic African American neighborhood that has long faced environmental racism but is now confronting displacement from a massive desalination project. Environmentalists point out that the desal, hyper-salty brine discharge will be very harmful to the bay and shouldn’t be built.
The U.S. Postal Service has announced plans to consider the consolidation of some mail processing facilities in Corpus Christi and McAllen into the mail processing operations in San Antonio, according to a public notice.
The Texas State Aquarium’s Port of Corpus Christi Wildlife Rescue Center is set to open next month, and will be the largest such facility in the Lone Star State.
Whittington died at age 95 his home Saturday in Austin. In 2006, he and others were hunting with then Vice President Dick Cheney on a ranch, when Cheney, while aiming for a bird, struck Whittington.
The spill was originally estimated at 90 barrels of light crude before a later tally put it at 335 barrels, or 14,000 gallons.