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Up To 40% Of U.S. Food Goes Uneaten. How Can San Antonio Better Manage Food Waste?

Pxhere CC0: http://bit.ly/2EusVGZ

An estimated 133 billion pounds of food is wasted every year in the U.S., and the average household produces 25% more waste during the holidays. At the same time, 1 in 8 Americans struggles with food insecurity. 

Who is responsible for managing food waste in San Antonio and what are the biggest challenges? How does San Antonio compare to other cities when it comes to food waste?

Food waste accounts for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to burdening the environment, what are other negative effects of mismanaging food waste?

What are the waste-related responsibilities and requirements for businesses, and how are they regulated? How can cities and local restaurants work together to reduce and rescue surplus food?

What sustainable decisions can consumers make when purchasing food? Should composting be mandatory for households? How can we make food systems more efficient, sustainable and equitable, and reduce the negative impacts of food waste?


"The Source" is a live call-in program airing Mondays through Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. Leave a message before the program at (210) 615-8982. During the live show, call 210-614-8980, email thesource@tpr.org  or tweet @TPRSource.

*This interview was recorded on Tuesday, December 17.

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Kim Johnson is the producer for Texas Public Radio’s live, call-in show The Source. She is a Trinity University alum with bachelor’s degrees in Communication and Spanish, and a Master of Arts Degree from the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin.
Dallas Williams is a Producer for The Source at Texas Public Radio. With a degree in Mass Communication — Broadcast Media, Dallas brings a unique perspective and a passion to producing a live, call-talk show.