This week, six high school students are working with staff to learn basic radio interviewing and production skills, with the goal of having a finished project at the end of the week that combines words and music. On Wednesday, KABB Chief Meterologist Alex Garcia joined us to share his own professional journey through radio, television, and education, and we spent time interviewing the musicians who were in house yesterday.
Reagan High School student Ramee Saleh writes about today's experiences:
Yesterday we left Camp KPAC with the wonderful tunes of the guest musicians running through our heads. Today was the big day when we would interview our talented peers using the various methods and equipment taught to us in the days prior. Before we got started, we were visited by Alex Garcia, the KABB chief meteorologist. A warm character, we were able to have an intriguing and diverse discussion with him. We found out he was not only a meteorologist, but a teacher, professor, innovator, musician, and radio broadcaster! He explained to us the benefits that radio broadcasting had brought him throughout his years. Personally, I left our discussion feeling that as long as I pursue the things I really loved, I would be truly rewarded with my life. He gave us a few tips for interviewing before we parted. Finally the time had come! The campers and I were assigned two musicians to interview separately and we discussed our prepared questions in anticipation. While most of the campers interviewed as planned, I had a bit of a fiasco. Due to technical difficulties with saving and microphones, I recorded my interview with the talented Darian Thomas three times! Fortunately, he was incredibly patient and understanding during every run; thanks Darian! (And if I can impart one piece of wisdom to the blog readers, make sure you SAVE your files immediately.) Thankfully though, I made it out with an in depth interview with great content. Tomorrow my fellow campers and I will spend the day beginning the editing process to polish and perfect our interviews from today; it’ll be awesome to be a step closer to our final product!
Thank you, Ramee! And my apologies for the "technical difficulties." One of those was my fault. [sheepish look on face]
--Nathan Cone