The San Antonio City Council will vote today on a new $2.5 budget that includes an increase in the minimum wage paid to city employees. The increase was…
The call for $15 as a minimum wage for city of San Antonio employees is being renewed again as the city nears a vote on its annual budget next week.…
It started as an experiment - community organizing in San Antonio's low income, underserved neighborhoods. It ended up shaking up the city - and giving…
The same day the Service Employee International Union (SEIU) was scheduled to launch a campaign to push the city to raise pay for 3000 to $15 an hour,…
The federal minimum wage has been $7.25 since 2009. That amount, or something less for exempted positions, is what 3.3 million Americans earn per her hour…
Last week the City of Houston adopted a strict ordinance that will disqualify businesses found guilty of criminal wage theft from city contracts or from…
In the first segment:An Ohio Wal-Mart is having a food drive so that needy employees can have a good Thanksgiving. McDonald's has a phone resource line…
Texas Matters: The United States is ranked next to Iran and Hungary in maternal death rate worldwide, a surprising position for a country proud of its…
As part of a nationwide protest in over 60 cities, fast-food workers from Austin and the surrounding area walked off their job sites in protest of better…
During his last State of the Union address, President Barack Obama proposed raising the national minimum wage to nine dollars an hour and permanently…