Paul Flahive
Accountability Reporterpaul@tpr.org
Paul Flahive is an investigative reporter with nearly two decades of experience writing for various publications and public broadcasters.
His work has exposed systemic problems in Texas' unemployment system, prisons, foster care, and the treatment of child victims of sex abuse.
His work has had institutional impact.
One story led to the change of a decade-long policy in Texas prisons that forced women in solitary confinement to wear gowns, rather than uniforms as male prisoners wore.
Another story led to to a state investigation that ultimately closed a foster placement agency that had taken in more millions in taxpayer funds for being "an immediate risk to child safety."
His work has been heard by millions on Marketplace, NPR's All Things Considered, Morning Edition, and elsewhere.
He co-edited "Worth Repeating" a collection of stories from the show he created of the same name, published 2023 from Trinity University Press
The court voted 9-5 against rehearing the case that voided significant portions of court oversight, removed the judge in the case, and nullified contempt fines.
A discussion around the needs of children in the 89th legislative session.
Si bien la votación es provisional, es probable que la Junta Legislativa de Presupuesto apruebe la compra del terreno en el condado de Ellis.
While the vote is provisional, the Legislative Budget Board is likely to approve purchase of the tract of land in Ellis County.
A state investigation found that Maofu Home Health failed to monitor the drugs that advocates said he was overmedicated with.
Rebeca Clay-Flores y Grant Moody ganan fácilmente en las carreras por comisionados.
Rebeca Clay-Flores and Grant Moody win easily in commissioners races.
Texas ha logrado destituir a uno de sus supervisores más feroces: la jueza Janis Jack. Los abogados de jóvenes en crianza temporal dicen que apelarán.
Texas has succeeded in removing one of its fiercest overseers in Judge Janis Jack. Attorney's for foster youth say they will appeal.
Es casi imposible dotar de personal a varias prisiones de Texas, y la agencia responsable de más de 100.000 reclusos actualmente no está preparada para abordar este problema. Esa y otras críticas fueron formuladas contra el Departamento de Justicia Penal de Texas en el informe del personal de la Comisión Asesora Sunset de esta semana.