Dr. Elena Jimenez-Gutierrez knows the impact of COVID-19 well. She’s an internal medicine doctor but has been working at the intensive care unit of a San…
The Trump administration issued a rule Wednesday that would allow it to detain migrant children and families longer than is currently allowed. NPR speaks with Politico'sTed Hesson about the change.
The new policy would end the Flores settlement and allow the government to hold families with children without a deadline, in a change from the way cases are handled today.
Customs and Border Protection officials are denying an NPR report that a Border Patrol agent asked the girl to choose which of her parents would be sent back to Mexico.
As more businesses face public and political scrutiny for making money off the Trump administration's detention of migrants, many activists say the companies involved try to remain veiled in secrecy.
Laurie Cook Heffron, a licensed social worker and professor of Social Work at St. Edward’s University in Austin, is co-author of the study “Latina…
Family separation. Detainees living in uncertainty, wondering why they are being held, where they are being held, where their loved ones are, and when…
Updated Dec. 12 Advocates for detained migrants in Texas met San Antonio medical students to discuss forming future partnerships that could help improve…
Updated Oct. 25Two family detention centers in Texas currently hold several dozen immigrant families. They had been reunited in July but then officials…
USA Today immigration reporter Alan Gomez joins Here & Now's Jeremy Hobson with an update on the continuing aftermath of President Trump's "zero-tolerance" immigration policy.