AT&T believes the data, which was stolen in April, is no longer publicly available. Affected current and former customers will be notified by the company but can also check their status online.
Reports of outages spiked around 3:30 a.m. ET, reaching more than 71,000 within a few hours. By midday, AT&T said it had restored about three-fourths of its cellphone network.
If you need to make an emergency call to 911 during the outage, you may have to use a landline or try Wi-Fi calling, local first responder agencies say.
Test scores have been falling for years across many developed nations, including the U.S., and new data suggests screen time might be to blame.
A new report by a conservative think-tank raises privacy concerns as the organization tracks thousands of mobile devices belonging to newly arrived migrants at NGO and U.S. government facilities.