About 20% of San Antonio households fall below the poverty line, according to recent census data. What can be done to break the cycle of generational poverty?
Recent census data revealed that San Antonio has the highest poverty rate of the country's top 25 large metros. What is the median household income in Bexar County and how does it compare to other Texas cities? What are the root causes for San Antonio’s expanding economic divide?
Texas ranks second in the nation with households experiencing food insecurity -- a symptom of generational poverty. Around 35% of the San Antonio Food Bank’s recipients are under age 18. Other symptoms of generational poverty include housing insecurity and a lack of higher education attainment.
How are local organizations addressing the issue in different ways? How could these various approaches help solve problems related to poverty and economic inequality? What else can be done?
- Lionel Sosa, CEO of Our Kids Can
- Michael Guerra, chief resource officer for the San Antonio Food Bank
- Rev. Ann Helmke, faith-based liaison for the City of San Antonio
"The Source" is a live call-in program airing Mondays through Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. Leave a message before the program at(210) 615-8982. During the live show, call 210-614-8980, email thesource@tpr.org or tweet @TPRSource.
*This interview wsa recorded on Thursday, October 17.