Avie Schneider
A day after the president's physician said Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 again, the doctor said Biden continues to feel well, despite testing positive on Sunday again.
The World Health Organization on Saturday declared the monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency. The move is aimed at boosting coordination and sharing of resources and information among nations.
President Biden's remark about Russian President Vladimir Putin came in a speech in Warsaw. A White House official later said Biden "was not discussing Putin's power in Russia, or regime change."
Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos is going up July 20 on a rocket made by his space exploration company Blue Origin. So is his brother. And now a mystery bidder has won an auction to join them.
The United States wasn't ready for the pandemic "and we have a lot of work to do to get better prepared for the next one," says Dr. Anne Schuchat, who is retiring after 33 years at the agency.
Citing a severe shortage of workers, half of the nation's governors have decided to end extra federal jobless benefits months early. But an economist says that will set back households and businesses.
With the focus shifting again to a Wuhan, China, lab, Dr. Céline Gounder, a COVID-19 adviser to the Biden transition team, says it's important to find the pandemic's origins to prevent the next one.
Pipeline and other key infrastructure companies aren't currently required to report ransomware attacks, so "we don't really understand how bad the problem is," says a former cybersecurity official.
As people get back to in-person work, it may be a difficult transition for dogs and their owners. One tip from a veterinarian: Don't make a big deal about leaving and coming back home.
Covid Inc. in Tempe, Ariz., has been selling audiovisual equipment for decades, but in the past year, some visitors stop by for an altogether different reason: They're looking for a COVID-19 test.