The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has asked the public to weigh in on expanding two national wildlife refuges in Texas’ coastal bend region.
FWS proposes to nearly double the size of Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, which is currently at 115,240 acres, by adding 95,000 additional acres. The agency also proposes to add 55,000 acres to Big Boggy National Wildlife Refuge.
Both refuges are in the Coastal Bend area. Aransas National Wildlife Refuge is outside Austwell, Texas, across from Matagorda Island. Big Boggy National Wildlife Refuge is north of Matagorda, Texas.
FWS said the expansion proposals, called Land Protection Plans, are meant to protect several endangered species, including the whooping crane, that use the habitat. FWS would buy land or enter into voluntary agreements with landowners near the refuge to use their property for conservation.
The lands, part of the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes ecoregion, are being sought also to “enhance the populations” of the mottled duck, Eastern black rail, Attwater’s prairie chicken, and other wintering waterfowl, according to FWS.
With the new land acquisitions, the refuges would expand into Aransas, Calhoun, Goliad, Jackson, Matagorda, Refugio, San Patricio and Victoria counties.
Public comments will be accepted through Jan. 26, 2024 on FWS’ website.