Port San Antonio has taken a big step toward adding hundreds of homes to attract new jobs and stimulate community growth in the old Kelly Air Force Base area.
The Port is negotiating with a development company and Mission DG to renovate the more than 300 1940s townhome-style units in Billy Mitchell Village.
Port San Antonio spokesman Paco Felici says as a catalyst for redevelopment and investment in the south side, the new homes will triple the residential offerings and provide more opportunities for the work forces being hired by new and existing companies at the Port.
"Jobs in aerospace, manufacturing; a lot of folks who work for the Department of Defense," he said. "And certainly logistics, as well. But the housing component, we feel, is an important added value."

The entities on Port San Antonio’s 1,900 acres now generate about 12,000 jobs. The additional housing is part of the Port’s plan to bring to add 5,000 new jobs by the year 2020.