Mahncke Park residents are asking the city for help with traffic cutting through their neighborhood to avoid on-going construction on Broadway.
Residents are worried about the safety of their children and the integrity of the neighborhood.
For the second time in a month, a commercial truck driving down a Mahncke Park residential street has ripped off large branches of an old oak tree. Homeowner Kristina Aderhold, who lives on Thorman Place, said the neighbors heard the first loud bang when the truck hit the tree and the second bang when the branch hit the pavement.
"When I took a look at it, I immediately knew it was another tree casualty," Aderhold said.
Residents say big trucks and smaller vehicles have been cutting through the neighborhood to get to Broadway from New Braunfels Avenue. The usual route down Hildebrand is cut off for the next year, with eastbound lanes the only ones currently open.
Resident Laura Dow said they have been using every technique they can think of to get traffic to slow down.
"I mean, we aren't even worried about our cars at this point. We put our cars out in front on purpose to try and detract people from being able to come through here, and they get really upset," Dow said.
Dow watched a tractor-trailer rig get stuck under the oak tree in front of her house just a couple of weeks ago, taking out a large branch.
"The other week, it was this tree right here. But there was a huge limb overhanging the street. But that tree in particular is obviously very old and we'd hate to see it go away forever," she said.
Residents have contacted City Hall.
Last time, Dow said a speed sign was placed on the street but it has been gone for a while now. District 2 Councilwoman Ivy Taylor, who was out of town today, said by email that she will be working on the problem next week.
In the meantime, Aderhold said they just want trucks to take another route.
"These trucks should not be driving so fast, number one, and they shouldn't be driving down this street," Aderhold said.