Texas Foster Care and Adoption Services was the subject of TPR's 'Justice Ignored' series, which learned that an executive at the agency was accused of raping his grand niece but kept his job for months even after the state found it likely happened. TFCAS said the state didn't tell them about the abuse.
A San Antonio-based foster care nonprofit said TPR’s reporting on an accused child-rapist remaining on staff eight months after the allegation is fallacious and threatened legal action against former employees who spoke out. But documents and additional former employees call into question what the organization has told the state and is telling families it serves.
Sheila Perez stepped down as executive director of Texas Foster Care and Adoption Services, one day after TPR's story citing alleged irregularities at the organization.
Despite a child sexual assault investigation, a San Antonio foster executive kept his job at Texas Foster Care & Adoption Services for months.