The Justice Charter would decriminalize abortion and low-level weed possession, codify cite-and-release, ban the use of chokeholds and no-knock warrants by SAPD, and establish a city Justice Director to oversee criminal justice policy if passed.
After three years, the DA's office says police have issued 6,200 citations rather than arrest for low-level crimes.
The cite and release policy for low level offenses — proposed by the Bexar County District Attorney’s office — goes into effect on Monday. Under cite and…
The San Antonio Police Department will roll out a cite and release program that will allow police officers to ticket low-level offenders instead of arrest…
Bexar County residents caught in possession of marijuana or accused of certain misdemeanors can receive a ticket and be let go under the county’s new…
The Bexar County District Attorney and Sheriff's offices are working with the San Antonio Police Department to implement a method known as "cite and…