Child advocacy group ChildSafe reports that in 2013 Bexar County had 5,846 confirmed cases of child abuse and neglect.ChildSafe CEO Kim Abernethy said the…
The two-foot-tall cardboard cutouts look a lot sillier than the children each cardboard "kid" represents. ChildSafe and the Children's Hospital of San…
Last year in Bexar County 5,846 kids were abused or neglected. We have the second highest rates of abuse in the state. Houston's Harris County ranks…
Many children around San Antonio will be served special meals this holiday season or may be on one of Santa’s special lists to receive toys. But there are…
Through the adventure therapy program at ChildSafe, Bexar County's only child advocacy center with a focus on children who've been abused and neglected,…
With more than 70 delegate agencies, the city council each year funds the organizations to help them accomplish their missions, but this time the council…
In the first segment:The Texas Tribune, an online news website covering all things Texas politics, has organized a Mental Health Symposium here in San…
San Antonio is facing a $35 to $50 million shortfall in the 2014 budget and with that in mind, council members set out to define their goals for next year…
In the first segment:The demise of Investigative Journalism has been predicted many times, none so much as in the highly fractured, low-revenue world of…
Leading the Show:A fire burning out of control turned a fertilizer plant into a bomb in the heart of the small town of West, Texas last night.Early…