President Trump revoked a Biden-era executive order that affirmed the longstanding practice of including the total number of persons residing in each state in a census count used for election maps.
Biden officials approved proposals for the U.S. census and federal surveys to change how Latinos are asked about their race and ethnicity and to add a checkbox for "Middle Eastern or North African."
Cities, Counties and School Districts are in open rebellion against Governor Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates. The new Census numbers show how Texas is changing. But will redistricting ignore the growing communities of color?
From Texas Standard : The clock is ticking on the 2020 census count. With just 14 days left, census workers have to try to get a complete count of every...
The U.S. Postal Service, often overlooked and taken for granted as a part of everyday American life, was written into the Constitution as necessary to…
NPR has confirmed the Census Bureau will end door knocking at unresponsive homes on Sept. 30 amid growing concerns the White House is pressuring the bureau to stop counting soon for political gain.
Though the census deadline has been extended to the end of October, certain areas in Texas remain undercounted — even compared to the national average.The…
On top of everything else happening in 2020, it's also the year of the decennial census, when the government tries to collect basic information about…
The San Antonio Chamber of Commerce reports there are still a lot of residents who have not been counted as part of the 2020 federal census.As of…
From Texas Standard : Texas ranks low when it comes to participation rates in the 2020 census – 40th in the nation. So far, only 57% of Texans have...