Texas vaccine scientist Dr. Peter Hotez spoke with Bonnie Petrie about what it's like to be the target of anti-science activists, his continued commitment to fighting medical misinformation, and his thoughts on the nomination of anti-vaccine crusader Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Department of Health and Human Services.
Part two of Jerry's Clayton’s conversation with Dr. Peter Hotez about his new book and his personal battles against the anti-science movement.
Hotez faces off with science deniers
As the U.S. death toll from COVID surpasses that of the 1918 pandemic, UT Health Physicians chief medical officer urges those who haven't yet been vaccinated against COVID to get their shots to prevent another deadly winter surge.
The emergence of the delta variant has presented a daunting challenge in the fight against the COVID virus, made worse by a pandemic of bad information. Much of that bad information is being spread intentionally by people who know it's false; it's disinformation. People across the country consume that disinformation and — believing it's true — pass it on. In this episode of Petrie Dish, we explore the medical misinformation and disinformation that are fueling anti-mask and anti-vaccine beliefs that are driving the delta surge.
They see these demonstrations as a way to form political alliances that promote their movement.
The controversial debate about the need for and efficacy of vaccinations has resulted in an impasse for people on both sides of the argument. At the core…