Editor’s Note: This is an updated version of a story that originally ran in January 2013. The Texas Legislature is just now getting into full swing. We...
From beer bills and a kumbaya legislative sessions to abortion bills and protests, Texas Public Radio takes a look back at some of 2013 legislative…
Hundreds of school districts from across the state will head back to court on Jan. 21 to once again examine the Texas legislature’s formula for funding…
Of the over 1,500 bills signed into law from the regular legislative session, 659 take effect this month and run a wide variety of subject matter.Here are…
As part of a nationwide protest in over 60 cities, fast-food workers from Austin and the surrounding area walked off their job sites in protest of better…
Update (4:30) Both sides of the abortion issue were shocked after the State Health Services Council failed to vote on rules attached to the new law…
House leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, spent much of her time speaking in Austin talking about women’s rights, primarily a woman’s right to equal pay to…
The Tesla Motors Model S starts as soon as you sit down behind the wheel and press on the brakes -- there's not even a place for a key -- and from that…
This week San Antonio District Judge Robert "Bert" Richardson named area attorney Michael McCrum as the special prosecutor in the criminal complainant…
The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) is creating the Texas School Marshal Program that passed during the past…