Texas is one of the top 10 worst states for children, according the State of Texas Children Report - a look at the well-being of children in the State.
Some of the report's key findings are:
25 percent of Texas children live in poverty. And 33 percent of Latino or Black children live in poverty.
11 percent of Texas children are uninsured. That's down from 13% in 2013.
The report says black and Hispanic students face greater education barriers than white students.
42% of black and Hispanic students are enrolled in high-poverty school districts- a percentage that sits at only 6% for white students.
And 27% of Texas children live in households that are food insecure.
Why are so many Texas children growing up with this challenges - and what's being done to change that.
- Jennifer Lee, author of "2016 State of Texas Children" report for the Center for Public Policy Priorities
- Annette Rodriguez, CEO of the Children's Shelter of San Antonio