The problem of homelessness is massive and complex and it seems impossible to find a solution that’s going to solve the problem for one and all.
San Antonio is working on dealing with the issue with Haven for Hope by providing shelter, counseling and help with finding work, but for some of the homeless, they are finding the road back from living on the street by lacing up a pair of shoes and running.
A local non-profit called Street2feet is providing the needed encouragement, training, rewards and gear for their clients looking to reclaim their health and rebuild their self-confidence and self-discipline needed to make it.
Steet2feet is holding a celebratory 5K race this Saturday for runners and walkers. The starting line is at the First Presbyterian Church at 404 North Alamo and the run begins at 8 a.m.
Elizabeth Rosenblum is the director of Street2feet and said she gets strange reactions sometimes when she explains her homeless running program.
"Basically what we say is that Street2feet is a 5K training program, but we're really after more than that accomplishment -- we love that accomplishment 'cause that's important, we need to set goals and work toward things -- but what we're really interested in is how the exercise benefits our health in spirit, body and soul. It strengthens us physically, but then we don't just stay strong physically, we draw on that strength for other situations, and specifically the people in our program."
Additional Resources:
- Register for the race:
- Learn more about Street2feet online at:
- Homeless running program that inspired Street2feet: