Ken Rudin
After eight years of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles voters will pick a, shall we say, more charismatically-challenged successor.
It's been a rough couple of weeks for John Boehner. He was all but shut out of the fiscal cliff deal, dissed by his own party, and suffered 12 GOP defections when re-elected as speaker. But did he emerge from all of this as a loser? It's not that simple.
George McGovern, Arlen Specter, Warren Rudman, Dan Inouye ... just some of the political giants who died in 2012. This week's super-sized Political Junkie column is dedicated to their memory.
The election is over. Or is it? Both sides look ready to start fighting again should President Obama nominate U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to succeed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
The Tea Party and other conservatives argue that Mitt Romney lost the election because he was "too moderate." And they are calling for a complete overhaul of the Republican Party. But the evolving demographics may have played a bigger role.
This pre-election Political Junkie column focuses on all presidential swing states and key races for House and Senate.
The Democratic Rules Committee agreed Saturday to seat delegates from the disputed Florida and Michigan primaries at the party's convention — but give them only half a vote each. The decision was supposed to help heal the party. But the opposite seems to have occurred, with angry supporters of Hillary Clinton promising to take their fight to the convention in Denver.
The Democratic Party tried to resolve its longstanding dispute over delegates from Michigan and Florida. On Saturday, the party's Rules and Bylaws Committee agreed to seat all the delegates from the two states, but give them each just half-votes at the August national convention in Denver.
The Rules and Bylaws committee of the Democratic National Committee meets in Washington to try to resolve whether to seat delegates from Michigan and Florida at the convention. The states were stripped of their delegates after violating party rules by holding early primaries.
The economy is emerging as a big issue in the presidential campaign. Presidential contenders in both parties are touting their economic plans for reviving the ailing economy. Upcoming contests will be critical for some candidates.