A Texas lawmaker his filed a bill that would completely revamp the structure of the State Board of Education.
Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, said she filed House Bill 906 in order to change how the State Board of Education members are elected because of what she calls some "glaring defects."
"We’ve had some unfortunate polarization that has occurred in educational policy making that has fallen along some partisan lines and politicized our children’s lives," Howard said.
Her bill would allow for a non-partisan election of the members of the state board of education, which is similar to the process used by many local school boards.
"Taking that partisan bit out of it I think would give us more of an opportunity to have people who are committed to public education, and they are not doing this for political reasons," she said.
Howard also said the importance should be on providing students a quality education regardless of their zip code. Her bill now awaits a hearing before the Texas House’s Elections Committee.