At the latest installment of “Get Lit,” Urrea and Book Public’s Yvette Benavides dived into the nitty-gritty behind the scenes of the book only found on this installment of “Get Lit.” Armed with decades of letters and scrapbooks from his mother, Luis Alberto Urrea shared his newest work of fiction "Goodnight, Irene" which details the story of Irene Woodward and Dorothy Dunford, two Red Cross volunteers who brought morale to the front lines via donuts and other commodities for American soldiers. Click the video below to view the intimate conversation as the award-winning author celebrates the often-overlooked stories of women in World War II and their heroic actions.
Click the photo below to learn more about the book and where to purchase it:
Special thanks to the GET LIT partners: San Antonio Book Festival, Alamo Colleges District, Nowhere Bookshop, Book Public, and Texas Public Radio
To view photos from the evening, click here.