One of San Antonio’s most famous and prolific artists, Jesse Treviño, is recovering from surgery in Houston right now. According to his friend with The Avenida Guadalupe, Gabriel Q. Velasquez, tumors were discovered when Treviño was in for a checkup.
“It's actually in the region right below the eye, behind the ear. It was a very quick developing tumor,” Velasquez said.
This is Treviño’s second go-around with the same condition 10 years ago.
“He had cancer before in the same region. So this is a returning of that situation. He already is a survivor,” he said.
One of Treviño's most well-known pieces of public art is the "Spirit of Healing" mural at the Children's Hospital of San Antonio on Santa Rosa Street. He was operated on at the VA Hospital in Houston, and family members are nearby.

“Jesse's sister, Alicia, and one of Jesse’s older brothers that lives in Houston have been the ones that have been able to connect with the VA,” he said.
Velasquez was told that Monday’s surgery was a marathon event, taking 15 hours. Treviño is in intensive care, and recovery won’t come quickly.
“It’s going to take some time. His recovery is going to be difficult,” Velasquez said. “But it's always funny to use the word difficult around Jesse Treviño.”
Treviño lost his painting arm due to a Vietnam war injury and subsequently learned to paint all over again with his left hand. He’s no stranger to adversity.
“We're all very confident that he's going to he's going to do what he has to do to pull through,” Velasquez said.