As Camerata San Antonio opens their tenth season this weekend, they’ll be joined for two pieces by oboe and English horn soloist Jennifer Berg. Early 20th century British composer E.J. Moeran’s “Fantasy Quartet” opens the program:
“I almost hear some Vaughan Williams in there,” Berg says, referring to the folk-like melodies of Moeran’s music. “The oboe gets to play some lyrical, cadenza-like sections that remind me of things that I’ve played by Vaughan Williams. Then [the piece] continues and I play more rustic kinds of themes. It’s a fun first piece to collaborate with Camerata on.”
Where the Moeran piece is song-like, the music of Eric Ewazen isn’t as structured, providing a different set of challenges for the performers. “Some of it is very ‘out there,’ but it’s very, very approachable, just like the Moeran,” says Berg. “It’s a more modern piece, but you’ll still feel comfortable [as a listener]--not shifting in your seat wondering where the pitch center is.”
Camerata San Antonio opens their season this weekend with concerts in Boerne on Friday night, Kerrville on Saturday, and San Antonio on Sunday afternoon. More information is online at