What's the risk of contracting a surprising virus from Fido or Kitty? It's not a frivolous question, as one virologist explains. And there's another question: Can you give a virus to your pet?
In Guatemala's mosquito-plagued lowlands, researchers use a novel tool — they call it an "insectazooka" — to suck up mosquitoes. Then they peer at the blood meal, searching for unknown pathogens.
This post was originally published on Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 3:04 p.m.We're entering the sixth month of the COVID-19 crisis but due to muddled messaging,…
In times of civil unrest or social upheaval, protests seek to raise awareness for a message or cause in solidarity with others. Crowds of people seeking…
Shelter-in-place orders and distancing guidelines have kept COVID-19 case numbers at a manageable level so far, but the threat of community transmission…
There's growing consensus that human destruction of pristine habitats is driving animals into new environments where once-separated species congregate — spreading viruses and incubating new ones.
From Texas Standard : A couple of months ago, 30 dead rabbits were found near Fort Bliss. That's when Ken Waldrup, who works for the Texas Department of...
COVID-19 poses a more serious risk to people with underlying health conditions and chronic illnesses, including both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In Bexar…
COVID-19 poses a more serious risk to people with underlying health conditions and chronic illnesses, including both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In Bexar…
At least 554 coronavirus cases and 20 deaths had been confirmed in San Antonio as of Wednesday evening. There are 132 travel related, 193 close contact…