From Texas Standard: A jury in Henderson, Texas has closed another chapter in a Texas murder story that captured the public's attention nearly two...
The director's new film follows a young baseball player through his first days of college; it's kind of an informal sequel to Linklater's 1993 last-days-of-high-school hit Dazed and Confused.
If the story fell apart after 12 years of filming, it would have been a "real drag," says Patricia Arquette, and a "colossal waste of time," says Ethan Hawke. Instead, it won three Golden Globes.
The actor may have spent the past 12 years filming Boyhood, but does he remember what life was like back in 2002 when he started filming? We'll test his knowledge in an Ask Me Another Challenge.
Richard Linklater's Boyhood, much discussed for its unconventional 12-year production schedule, stands out in fact not for its method, but for its purpose: to explain how kids are built.
Writer-director Richard Linklater says picking the film's star was vital because he had to guess what he'd be like at 18. "I just went with a kid who seemed kind of the most interesting."
It took Jesse and Celine 18 years to find themselves back where they started in the lovely third installment of the series that began with 1995's Before Sunrise.
We've already met Jesse and Celine, twice. In the 1995 film Before Sunset, they had a romantic encounter in Vienna. Nine years later, they found each other in Paris. In this third film, their relationship has progressed another nine years. The romance hasn't left, says director Richard Linklater, it's simply changed.
Are we wake-walking through our dreams, or sleep-walking through life? Or is it the reverse? Director Richard Linklater’s vibrant, joyful 2001 film…
Richard Linklater's new film, A Scanner Darkly, is based on the book by Philip K. Dick -- a haunting tale of drug addiction, paranoia and surveillance set in the America of the near future. Live-action footage is overlaid with an animation technique first used in Linklater's 2001 film Waking Life.