The report found that 16 universities qualify as Tier 1 institutions, compared to 14 in California and 11 in New York.
The Trump administration directed federal health officials to pause external communications last week, which prompted the National Institutes of Health to cancel meetings used to determine which research to fund. A UT professor has said if the pause lasts too long, it will be hard to reverse the impact.
Girls in the U.S. are getting their first menstrual period about 6 months earlier on average than they did in the 1950s and '60s. And the number of girls starting their period before age nine has doubled. Researchers say parents can help prepare their kids for early puberty.
A $46 million award from the National Institutes of Health will help eight San Antonio area institutions move promising scientific research into practice that helps people.
The cryo-EM enables researchers to create 3-D models of individual proteins from thousands of images. This betters their understanding of how to target them for drug treatments.
A phase one human trial of an mRNA HIV vaccine will soon begin in San Antonio.
Infection-fighting B cells appear to have a poorer "memory" of the COVID virus in those who've suffered severe COVID-19.
Texas researchers plan to take a closer look at the disproportionate number of women of color who die during pregnancy and in the year after birth,…