Similar proposals are in multiple states after a court ruling in 2022, though opponents say the move would impose one religious view on people with different religious traditions
If you're a crawfish fan, you may have noticed a post that's gone viral on social media with a dire outlook for crawfish this year.
The podcast Sea Change from WWNO and WRKF, looks at the EPA investigation into whether Louisiana discriminated against Black communities living in the 85-mile-long corridor known as "Cancer Alley."
Eight radio stations in Southern Louisiana still broadcast partially in French as they try to keep alive a dying language in the area. French has been spoken there since the mid-1700s.
During the coronavirus pandemic, states have struggled with staggering revenue losses and budget shortfalls. Here's what is happening in Louisiana.
Photographer Tyrone Turner documented the life and changes on Cat Island in the southeastern coastal area of the state before it disappeared.
Does a popular and long-running program to use dead Christmas trees to help prevent coastal erosion actually work?
Hope Medical Group for Women in Shreveport is challenging a 2014 state law requiring doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital in case of an emergency.
Louisiana has big plans to redirect parts of the river to build up its shrinking coast. New research suggests it won't help nearly enough.
Many drought-stricken Texas cities have long searched for alternative sources of water, including asking neighboring states for help. Now, Louisiana has…