The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority has reached a settlement agreement with about ten property owners on Lakes McQueeney and Placid over aging dams and…
More than a year after the collapse of the Lake Dunlap dam, plaintiffs’ attorney Douglas Sutter and lawyers for the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority…
Guadalupe County commissioners will hold a public hearing Tuesday morning on the creation of a water control improvement district for residents who live…
Portions of Guadalupe Valley lakes reopened today following the release of a report on unsafe zones near aging dam spill gates. The report by a panel of…
The draining of four area lakes will not begin on Monday because a state district judge in Seguin wants to hear more testimony from plaintiffs seeking to…
The Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority faced a slew of property and business owners in court on Wednesday, to defend its plan to start draining lakes…
Residents near four Texas lakes that are scheduled to be drained by the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority have formed the organization “Save Our Lakes” to…
Ninety-year-old infrastructure that created Guadalupe County's six lakes is in dire need of repair and poses a significant safety risk. Four dams are at a…