There are questions about the future of in vitro fertilization (IVF) if Donald Trump is elected back to the White House. Trump has called himself "the father of IVF" and says he's in favor of the procedure, but his vice-presidential running mate, Sen. JD Vance, wrote the foreword of an anti-IVF report. Dr. Francisco (Paco) Arredondo, who is a pioneer in IVF, says there needs to be an IVF Bill of Rights.
A Denton divorce case raised questions whether frozen embryos are people or property. Legal experts say Texas lawmakers may provide clarity when they reconvene in 2025.
The legal concept of fetal personhood dates back to before Roe v. Wade, but since the fall of Roe the legal argument that fetuses, embryos and even frozen fertilized human eggs have the same rights as a person is growing— and at the cost of the rights of women.
The Texas Supreme Court is considering taking up the question of whether frozen embryos should be treated as people, not property, in a divorce case.
Dr. Francisco 'Paco' Arredondo said he'll reimburse up to $2,000 in travel for Alabama patients seeking IVF treatment out of state.