Lilly Ledbetter, a supervisor at a Goodyear tire plant in Alabama, discovered she was receiving less pay than men who worked the same position. Her case led to a monumental law on pay equity.
March 14 is Equal Pay Day, highlighting the gap between men’s and women’s earnings. Nationally, women average $0.77 for every $1 white men earn.
Elizabeth Rowe, the symphony's principal flutist, filed suit against the orchestra last July. It was among the first lawsuits regarding gender pay gaps filed under a new Massachusetts law.
"We may rank number one in the world at the moment, but the job is not done still," Iceland's Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson says.
In 2015, women working full time in the U.S. typically were paid just 80 percent of what men were paid. Among full-time workers in 2015, Hispanic, African…
From Texas Standard: Perhaps it's not surprising that women and minorities employed by the state of Texas make less money than white men who work...
The actress berated herself for not pushing for a higher fee for American Hustle after learning male co-stars made more. She says she's "over trying to find the 'adorable' way to state my opinion."
From Texas Standard: State officials like to brag about the strong economy here and the thousands of people who move here every month. But some of the...
The city of San Antonio has now officially been served a lawsuit that claims two women at Animal Care Services were paid significantly less than their…
Equal pay for women has become a rallying cry for Democrats across Texas. Wendy Davis' campaign for governor has seized on the issue, making it central to…