Daisy Hernández embarks on a journey that takes her all over the country to reveal the problem of Chagas, the kissing bug disease that ravages the human body and destroys families.
TPR's Jerry Clayton recently spoke with Texas A&M Agrilfe Extension entomologist Molly Keck about the overabundance of caterpillars in the area this year.
Today is the first day of spring, and it's time for all those bugs to start coming out into the sunshine. How did the historic freeze in February affect our local insects? Will there be more or less of them this year? Dr. Jessica Beckham is an entomologist at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Recent rains and warmer weather are expected to make the local mosquito population explode. Local health officials offered advice on how to fight them…
HARLINGEN, Texas — Researchers suspect steady rains and other factors may be responsible for a drop in a tiny bug’s infestation of a grain crop so far…