Those enrolled in the federal program shielding them from deportation can enroll through Jan. 15, but a lawsuit and Trump’s anti-immigration stance threaten to eliminate eligibility.
The federal government estimates as many as 100,000 people in the DACA program could be eligible to enroll in a health care plan through the Affordable Care Act.
Almost 3.5 million Texans signed up for an Affordable Care Act plan during open enrollment, a record high for the state.
The final enrollment numbers, released Wednesday, touched off discussions over whether Texas should create its own marketplace exchange.
Today on Texas Matters— Obamacare is seeing a surge in Texas and across the nation. Why is the Affordable Care Act succeeding despite claims from the right?And Mexican food is now American food. How tacos conquered the United States.
There's finally been a fix to the "family glitch" that made marketplace health plans sometimes unaffordable. And although premiums are rising, subsidies are too, and more people are eligible.
Saturday is the last day for people to get health insurance through the online Affordable Care Act marketplace. Open enrollment for healthcare.gov began on Nov. 1, 2021.
The 7-2 decision threw out the challenge to the law, saying Texas and other objecting GOP-dominated states were not required to pay anything under the mandate provision and thus lacked standing.
Texas already had the nation's highest uninsured rate pre-pandemic and the gap is expected to widen much further in its wake. The outbreak leveled the…
ACA plans for 2020 are cheaper than last year — premiums lower, on average. And in some areas, people who qualify for federal subsidies could end up with no monthly payment. But read the fine print.