What role does fatherhood play in the development and well-being of children?
Fatherless children are twice as likely to drop out of school. Infant mortality rates are nearly twice as high for infants of unmarried mothers. Children with absent fathers are five times more likely to live in poverty. Youth in fatherless homes are at greater risk for abuse and neglect, and have higher odds of incarceration later in life.
A local program is working with men in Bexar County to cultivate and support the attitudes and skills necessary to be better fathers to their children. Curriculum is structured to provide men with experiences that reshape the concept of fatherhood, thus providing the opportunity to change parenting attitudes and behaviors.
Can learning-based programming help men become better caregivers?
- Patrick Ortiz, program director for "Compadre y Compadre" at The Children's Shelter - San Antonio
- Zaid Qurarishi, Compadre y Compadre mentor