This week as Texas remembers San Jacinto Day, the Texas Nationalist Movement would like to see a new San Jacinto-like victory. The small scrappy band of dedicated rebels suddenly takes down the organized behemoth Goliath – this time the Goliath would be the Texas Republican Party.
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The secession seekers see their next battlefield as the Texas GOP Convention in Dallas in May. Last summer the Texas Nationalist Movement was looking for 75,000 signatures of Texas Republican voters to force a non-binding referendum question on the March 1 Republican primary ballot that would have read "Should Texas reassert itself as a sovereign nation?"
Texas secession rally at the Texas State Capitol
Credit David Martin Davies
The Texas nationalists did not get the needed signatures but they did win more converts to their secession cause from across the state.
Now, Texas Nationalist Movement President Daniel Miller says at least 22 county GOP conventions recently have voted to support having a statewide vote on Texas independence.
And Miller says the nationalist movement's influence is growing in the ranks of the Texas Republican Party - but not in the party leadership.
Miller said he expects that in May at the GOP State Convention in Dallas that there will be a floor fight to put support for a statewide vote for secession on the Texas GOP platform.